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Monday, January 3, 2011

New Year's Eve

This NYE was quite uneventful...
 Jeff was of course perfectly content with the calm of the night 
while I was dramatically disappointed to not be in a fancy dress at some fancy party. 

I remember sitting at home on New Year’s Eve as a young girl and promising that when I was a “big girl” I would never stay at home on the most glamorous night of the year  
(as my parents often did...)
So how do we bring in our first New Year as a married couple?  
No fancy dress…no fancy party… 
Just my hubby and I sharing a bottle of champagne in our pj's. 
While the evening lacked the glamour I imagined...
it was pretty great!
Maybe Mom & Dad had it right all along. 
(Don't get too excited Dad, I said maybe)

Along with this relaxing evening came a weekend at home which we rarely are able to enjoy. We got a lot of things done around the house that I have been dying to do including...the office!! Since we moved in, this room has housed all of our unpacked boxes, wedding presents, hunting gear, and everything else that didn't have a place. After one late night of work, the office can begin to function as its intended purpose. I am so excited to share it with you soon! 

Hope all of you are busy making new resolutions!
I will be sharing mine later this week...

*Happy 2011!*

1 comment:

  1. I'm impressed! Our catch all room didn't get cleaned up until I was 8 months pregnant. Did I mention that room was electric green?
