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Friday, November 12, 2010

What I want...but DON'T need

Here is my want list for the week....I am really going to think these lists through since it is so close to Christmas. 
 Dear Loved Ones ,
 Please use these weekly lists as a gift giving guide for the upcoming holiday season. I even promise to act like you thought of it all on your own! Thanks!
Nikon CoolPix S6000 Digital Camera (Silver)
This is a NEED!! Our camera broke and I want a small, inexpensive, higher quality than most, digital camera. I have done some research and I think this is the winner. 7x zoom, 14.2 mega-pixels, compact, 2.7" LCD screen, on sale online for $159-179. What a steal! 

The next project I am taking on is our "office." Right now it is more like a storage unit filled with campaign supplies, hunting gear, gifts, & craft supplies. However, I intend to get it in order very soon. First thing's first, a new desk. Fell in love with one at a antique shop the other day while shopping with my mother & sister-in-law but just couldn't justify it. Really regretting the decision...hopefully another one finds me soon! Let me know if you stumble upon one! This one is WAY out of the price range. 

Silver-Plated Julep Cup, Large
Love these silver-plated julep cups from pottery barn. 1. Because they are monogrammed 
2.Because they are so southern and so vintage all at the same time. Friend of mine got them for her wedding and ever since I saw them in person I have fallen even more in love with them! 

Tree Mini Attachment Turkey Mini AttachmentWine Mini Attachment
I have the Happy Everything Mini plate and I am dying for more attachments! For those of you who don't know what the Happy Everything Plate is, you are missing out! Here is the link: . The larger plate has a lot more attachments but it is just too big, I wouldn't have anywhere to put it. But, if you do, I totally recommend this! It is so fun & cute. Actually, everything on this website is a want. 

Lolia is my all time favorite bubble bath and it come in the most adorable packaging! I am a sucker for packaging, and this combines 2 of my favorites....bubble bath in a wine bottle...genius! There is no excuse why I didn't think of this first. This is "relax" and it even comes with a silk flower tied on...precious! 

Now that I think of it...... 
these are all needs!

1 comment:

  1. I received the silver cup after singing in a wedding... just be in people's weddings- you do that well.
